Once fully installed the woodburner will provide years of joy for the owner who will not be disappointed. Woodburners are notoriously reliable and unlike boilers and other conventional technology the maintenance over the years is kept to a minimum. In order to ensure your system is running at peak performance and extend the life of the product we do recommend an annual service which we will happily undertake.
During the annual service key assemblies are disassembled. Parts are inspected and any worn items identified for possible repair or replacement. All items are then cleaned and re-assembled ready for use. We also check all the pipework for any signs of wear and tear. A full testing procedure of the woodburner is carried out upon completion and the paperwork detailing the activity together with the results given to the customer.
Your appliance should also be swept at a minimum annually. We work alongside numerous qualified and certified chimney sweeps and this can be carried out alongside the annual service if required.